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Version: 1.1.5

Vertex Errors

This page lists the errors that can be returned by the Vertex API.

Error Response


The error response will be in the following format:

"err_type": "string",
"err_msg": "string"

Possible Error Codes

Status CodeError TypeWhen?
400executor_resultOur cryptographic library returned an error - it will be specified in the err_msg field
400key_operation_before_keygenThe key_id you tried to perform operation on is only created and you didn't performed keygen yet
400key_id_not_existsThe input key_id supplied does not exist in the DB
400user_id_not_existsThe input user_id supplied does not exist in the DB
400already_performed_keygenYou are trying to perform keygen on a key share that already generated.
To rotate the key you should perform a refresh on it
400bad_n_and_t_paramsThe T, N (MPC threshold and total number of parties) parameters are invalid
400room_creation_problemThere was an error while creating a Relay Room. the error will be specified in the err_msg field
400bad_request_paramsYou supplied a bad request parameters
400you_have_to_be_adminYou have to be admin to perform this action. add the admin token in the Authorization header and try again
400batch_too_largeYou exceeded the maximum request number in one batch.
The MAX_BATACH_SIZE can be configured using the vertex CLI
400policy_validation_failedThe performed action did not passed the policy check.
The causing reason will be specified in the err_msg field
400policy_not_foundThe requested Policy does not exist in the DB
400rule_not_foundThe requested Rule does not exist in the DB
400rule_in_useThe rule you're trying to delete is in use by policies so it can't be deleted.
If you're sure you don't need it, you can delete the using policies and then try again.
400policy_in_use_by_keysThe policy you're trying to delete is in use by keys as their attached policy.
You can dettach them and try again if you still want to delete it.
400policy_in_use_by_usersThe policy you're trying to delete is in use by users as their default policy.
You can unset it for them and try again if you still want to delete it.
400rule_not_in_policyThe supplied rule_id is not in the policy_id provided
400unique_violationA resource with the same unique field already exists (can be names for users, policies, rules etc.)
401access_deniedAccess denied for this URI. You should add an Authorization header with a valid API Key and try again
404not_foundJust like other HTTP servers 404. The URI does not exists
500internal_problemSome internal server error happend. you should check the Vertex log to understand further