Getting Started
Generate a key and begin signing in under a minute.
Key Generation
First we must generate a public key and some key shares so that we can later sign messages.
You will need your API_KEY
We show example code for a 2-of-3 threshold signing scenario.
(Note that Sodot MPC SDK allows any t-of-n threshold signing setting)
To generate a key we simply run:
BIP-340 (for Bitcoin Taproot) is also supported. More details can be found [here]/rn/api-ref/classes/BIP340).
- Ed25519 RN
import { StatefulEcdsa } from '@sodot/sodot-react-native-sdk';
// Your server side creates a room for 3 parties using its API_KEY
// Creating a room uuid should always happen on the server side using your API_KEY, so that the API_KEY is never exposed to the client side
const N = 3;
const T = 2;
const ecdsa = new StatefulEcdsa(); // Note that a stateless Ecdsa class is also available with the same API as the Node and Web SDKs
const API_KEY = 'MY_API_KEY';
const keygenRoomUuid = await ecdsa.createRoom(N, API_KEY);
// All parties call initKeygen to get a keygenId
const keygenId = await ecdsa.initKeygen('myKeyName');
// All parties receive the keygenIds from all other parties
const keygenIds = [keygenId1, keygenId2];
// All parties join the keygen room
const publicKey = await ecdsa.keygen(keygenRoomUuid, N, T, 'myKeyName', keygenIds);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const derivedPubkey = await ecdsa.derivePubkey('myKeyName', derivationPath);
Full details can be found here.
import { StatefulEd25519 } from '@sodot/sodot-react-native-sdk';
// Your server side creates a room for 3 parties using its API_KEY
// Creating a room uuid should always happen on the server side using your API_KEY, so that the API_KEY is never exposed to the client side
const N = 3;
const T = 2;
const ed25519 = new StatefulEd25519(); // Note that a stateless Ed25519 class is also available with the same API as the Node and Web SDKs
const API_KEY = 'MY_API_KEY';
const keygenRoomUuid = await ed25519.createRoom(N, API_KEY);
// All parties call initKeygen to get a keygenId
const keygenId = await ed25519.initKeygen('myKeyName');
// All parties receive the keygenIds from all other parties
const keygenIds = [keygenId1, keygenId2];
// All parties join the keygen room
const publicKey = await ed25519.keygen(keygenRoomUuid, N, T, 'myKeyName', keygenIds);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const derivedPubkey = await ed25519.derivePubkey('myKeyName', derivationPath);
Full details can be found here.
Behind the scenes this is the rough flow of communication that occurs:
Now that we have key shares on all the devices/servers of the potential signers we can sign by running:
- Ed25519 RN
import { StatefulEcdsa, MessageHash } from '@sodot/sodot-react-native-sdk';
// To sign a message, create a signing room on the server side, using your API_KEY
const N = 3;
const T = 2;
const ecdsa = new StatefulEcdsa(); // Note that a stateless Ecdsa class is also available with the same API as the Node and Web SDKs
const API_KEY = 'MY_API_KEY;
const signingRoomUuid = await ecdsa.createRoom(T, API_KEY);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const derivedPubkey = await ecdsa.derivePubkey('myKeyName', derivationPath);
// Hash the message
const messageHash = MessageHash.sha256('my message');
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ecdsa.sign(signingRoomUuid, 'myKeyName', messageHash, derivationPath);
// This signature can now be verified against derivedPubkey
Full details can be found here.
import { StatefulEd25519 } from '@sodot/sodot-react-native-sdk';
// To sign a message, create a signing room on the server side, using your API_KEY
const N = 3;
const T = 2;
const ed25519 = new StatefulEd25519(); // Note that a stateless Ed25519 class is also available with the same API as the Node and Web SDKs
const API_KEY = 'MY_API_KEY';
const signingRoomUuid = await ed25519.createRoom(T, API_KEY);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const derivedPubkey = await ed25519.derivePubkey('myKeyName', derivationPath);
// The message as a hex string
const message = 'cafecafe';
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ecdsa.sign(signingRoomUuid, 'myKeyName', message, derivationPath);
// This signature can now be verified against derivedPubkey
Full details can be found here.
Behind the scenes this is the rough flow of communication that occurs, note that since only 2 signers are needed, Alice (chosen as a non-signer in this example) doesn't participate at all in the protocol:
Signature Verification
If necessary, the signature can be verified using extenal libraries.
- ECDSA Node
- Ed25519 Node
- Ed25519 Web
- Ed25519 RN
- Ed25519 Go
import elliptic from 'elliptic';
// An EcdsaKeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ecdsa.keygen(...);
const pubkey = await ecdsa.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// Hash the message
const messageHash = MessageHash.sha256('my message');
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ecdsa.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, messageHash, derivationPath);
var EC =;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
const uncompressed = pubkey.serializeUncompressed();
const signDer = Buffer.from(signature.der).toString('hex');
var key = ec.keyFromPublic(uncompressed, 'hex');
const isVerified = key.verify(messageHash.bytes, signDer);
Full library documentation can be found here.
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519';
import { sha512 } from '@noble/hashes/sha512';
ed.etc.sha512Sync = (...m) => sha512(ed.etc.concatBytes(...m));
// An Ed25519KeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ed25519.keygen(...);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const pubkey = await ed25519.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// The message as a hex string
const message = 'cafecafe';
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ed25519.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, message, derivationPath);
// validating the signature using the '@noble/ed25519' package
const messageAsUint8Array = Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex'));
const isValid = await ed.verify(signature, messageAsUint8Array, pubkey);
Full library documentation can be found here.
import elliptic from 'elliptic';
// An EcdsaKeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ecdsa.keygen(...);
const pubkey = await ecdsa.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// Hash the message
const messageHash = MessageHash.sha256('my message');
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ecdsa.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, messageHash, derivationPath);
var EC =;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
const uncompressed = pubkey.serializeUncompressed();
const signDer = Buffer.from(signature.der).toString('hex');
var key = ec.keyFromPublic(uncompressed, 'hex');
const isVerified = key.verify(messageHash.bytes, signDer);
Full library documentation can be found here.
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519';
import { sha512 } from '@noble/hashes/sha512';
ed.etc.sha512Sync = (...m) => sha512(ed.etc.concatBytes(...m));
// An Ed25519KeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ed25519.keygen(...);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const pubkey = await ed25519.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// The message as a hex string
const message = 'cafecafe';
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ed25519.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, message, derivationPath);
// validating the signature using the '@noble/ed25519' package
const messageAsUint8Array = Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex'));
const isValid = await ed.verify(signature, messageAsUint8Array, pubkey);
Full library documentation can be found here.
import elliptic from 'elliptic';
// An EcdsaKeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ecdsa.keygen(...);
const pubkey = await ecdsa.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// Hash the message
const messageHash = MessageHash.sha256('my message');
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ecdsa.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, messageHash, derivationPath);
var EC =;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
const uncompressed = pubkey.serializeUncompressed();
const signDer = Buffer.from(signature.der).toString('hex');
var key = ec.keyFromPublic(uncompressed, 'hex');
const isVerified = key.verify(messageHash.bytes, signDer);
Full library documentation can be found here.
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519';
import { sha512 } from '@noble/hashes/sha512';
ed.etc.sha512Sync = (...m) => sha512(ed.etc.concatBytes(...m));
// An Ed25519KeygenResult was previously generated using keygen
const keygenResult = await ed25519.keygen(...);
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
const derivationPath = new Uint32Array([44,60,0,0,0]);
// Get the public key for the derivation path
const pubkey = await ed25519.derivePubkey(keygenResult, derivationPath);
// The message as a hex string
const message = 'cafecafe';
// 2 parties join the signing room
const signature = await ed25519.sign(signingRoomUuid, keygenResult, message, derivationPath);
// validating the signature using the '@noble/ed25519' package
const messageAsUint8Array = Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex'));
const isValid = await ed.verify(signature, messageAsUint8Array, pubkey);
Full library documentation can be found [here.](
import (
// A public key were generated using MPC
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
derivationPath := []uint32{44, 60, 0, 0, 0}
// Get the public key for the derivation path
derivedPubKey, err := ecdsa.DerivePubkey(secretShare, derivationPath)
if err != nil {
// Hash the message
messageHash := sodot.MessageHashFromSha256([]byte("my message"))
// 2 parties join the signing room
signature, err := ecdsa.Sign(signingRoomUuid, secretShare, messageHash, derivationPath)
if err != nil {
// Create a signature and public key according to kaspanet/go-secp256k's format
serializedSignature := append(signature.R(), signature.S()...)
deserializedSignature, _ := secp256k1.DeserializeECDSASignature((*secp256k1.SerializedECDSASignature)(serializedSignature))
compressedPk = derivedPubKey.SerializeCompressed()
pubKey, _ := secp256k1.DeserializeECDSAPubKey(compressedPk[:])
var hash = secp256k1.Hash(messageHash)
// validate the siganture
isValid := pubKey.ECDSAVerify(&messageHash, deserializedSignature)
Full library documentation can be found here.
import (
// Define sodot SDK variable with sodotEd25519 so to not be cofused with crypto/ed25519 package
sodotEd25519 := sodot.NewEd25519("")
// Pick the derivation path of the public key you want to sign for
derivationPath := []uint32{44, 60, 0, 0, 0}
// Get the public key for the derivation path
derivedPubKey, err := ed25519.DerivePubkey(secretShare, derivationPath)
if err != nil {
// The derived public key can now be used to verify signatures with the same derivation path
_ = derivedPubKey
// Define the message
message := []byte("my message")
// 2 parties join the signing room
signature, err := ed25519.Sign(signingRoomUuid, secretShare, message, derivationPath)
if err != nil {
messageHex, err := hex.DecodeString(req.Msg)
isValid := ed25519.Verify(derivedPubKey[:], messageHex, signature[:])
Full library documentation can be found here.